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Robin's "DVLA Funny Farm" page

Updated 2115 BST UK ( also 2015z GMT/UT/GPS Time) Wednesday 16th October 2024 UK time - See Section 21 ;-)
This information is in the Public Domain, hoping it will help others, and - maybe - Robin ;-)
19th March 2023: no DVLA reply Robin's fat letter Ref FFDVLAA2 of 22nd February. Mistaken DVLA letter ?
17th March 2023: Another "You must not drive" letter from DVLA. See footnotes at end, including 19, 20, & 21.
Other letters detailed below, into and through 2024. Updates to this page MAY continue, if Robin has the time :-)

white strip security hiding mistakes

Contents ...

1. Introduction by Robin Lovelock in Sunninghill.
2. Who IS this guy Robin Lovelock - the author of this page ?
3. Letter from Tim Burton of the DVLA, on 2nd February 2022- "Important - you must not drive".
4. BUT: Discharge Letter from Chakita on 16th July 2021 discharged Robin from the Mental Health System.
5. Email sent to Lightwater Surgery requesting copy of their letter to DVLA on Saturday 5th February 2022.
6. Email reply from Lightwater Surgery received Monday 7th February 2022.
7. Letter from Dr Sara Jones of Lightwater Surgery to DVLA collected by Robin on Monday 7th February 2022.
8. Robin's Walk to Investigate GP Surgeries nearer to him on Wednesday 9th February 2022.
9. Companies contracted by the NHS & Local Government, like Optalis Ltd.
10. Effect on our "Charitable Work", Life, and "Well-being", and Robin Driving videos :-)
11. Timeline of events: Robin had been driving since September 2019 - and since 1964 ? :-)
12. Outstanding Questions. e.g. the Form submitted by Dr Sarah Jones to DVLA ?
13. Friday 1st April 2022: Robin can Drive Again ? Because April Fools Day ? :-)
14. Saturday 27th August 2022: Robin & June reply to surprise NS76 letter from DVLA ??? :-)
15. Footnote added after SMS Text from Lightwater Surgury on 27 October 2022. Press Release Utube video from Robin Lovelock in Sunninghill on 15th May 2023
16. Footnote after (uncorrected?) letter from DVLA of 18 Jan 2023 (Medical Examination).
17. Footnote after DVLA letter of 9 Feb 2023 (Medical Review Licence?).
18. Footnote after call on 17 Feb 2023 from Victoria at DVLA Medical Group.
19. Footnote after Robin's letter of 22nd February 2023 with lots of supporting paperwork.
20. Footnote after DVLA's Response to Robin's Fat 22nd February 2023 Letter.
21. Footnotes in 2024: still no licence from DVLA - but other things ;-)
22. Who has visited this page ?

The video on the right was put onto Robin's Press Page in May 2023. Robin thinks his words towards the end may be of use, regardless of the outcome of his case. e.g. use of the Freedom of Information Act to put information into the Public Domain, such as the DVLA management structure, or "tree", use of directly DVLA salaried staff vs through other businesses or agencies. But please hear his words, saying that he does NOT want anyone in the DVLA, from top to bottem, to suffer - but rather to help the DVLA doing what must be demanding work. The Youtube "May 2023 Press Release" video on the right, has automatic subtitles with translation into any language, including Welsh, Indian,Eastern European, or whatever maybe familiar, to those working for the DVLA from home within Wales, UK, or overseas. Many drivers in the UK, and their families, do not have English as their first language. For those using translation flags: the guy in the cartoon at the top is saying, "Information Security is a major priority at this company. We've done a lot of stupid things we'd like to keep secret." :-)

white strip

1. Introduction by Robin Lovelock in Sunninghill ...

Robin Lovelock in Sunninghill From Robin in early 2022: I set up this page after my wife June and I read a letter from the DVLA ( UK Driver Vehicle Licencing Agency ) which said that I could not drive, and I had to return my driving licence to them in their provided envelope - not provided :-)

My time is precious, as is that of many people, so this page starts with material that has been in the Public Domain for years.

It is my hope that some of it will be of use to others, whoever they are, and I obviously hope it will speed up the process of mistakes being recognised, explained, and my being able to drive again :-)

printer <- Tap or Click to Print ffdvla.pdf . Many of us prefer paper ! However, paper will not follow links or play videos ... yet ! :-)

Note that an earlier copy of this page, was sent to a few guys, including the DVLA, and Tim Burton at his home address :-)

Welsh Why those translation flags at the top ? A few readers may wish to share this page with friends or family whose English may not be good. A large proportion of those I know, working within the NHS and Social Services, have roots in places like India, Pakistan, Romania, Phillipines, Zimbabwe, South Africa, and Nigeria. Note that the British DVLA is in Cardiff, in Wales - which has it's own language: Welsh. Tap or Click on that Red Dragon Flag above, or on right, to read Welsh. It may seem like a diversion, but on June & Robin's Camper trip to Wales, it took Robin a while to learn that the white painted "ARAF" on the road, meant "SLOW" - and not another Royal Air Force (RAF) base they were visiting :-) white strip

2. Who IS this guy Robin Lovelock - the author of this page ?

Before reading anything in depth, it's not a bad idea to know who wrote the material. Below are extracts from some of my pages. Now you can see Robin Lovelock's CV ;-)

Robin Lovelock is a Grumpy Old Man I will then present evidence, such as the letters received from the DVLA, and, before that, from the lovely Chakita, on behalf of Social Services, of Windsor & Maidenhead Council.

I never received a copy of the letter that went from my Lightwater Surgery, which seems to have sparked the problem.

"Mistakes Happen", and I certainly do not want anyone used as a "scapegoat". It could have been simple "human error", or an error in a computer "I.T" ( Information Technology ) system somewhere. Hardly surpising in "Covid19 Times".

Many will be surprised at how much I put into the Public Domain in late 2015 - those "Bluebell" pages - but I like to think it did some good, resulting in important people "coming out" on their mental health problems in early 2016.

"Openess" is an effective counter-measure to secrecy being used to hide mistakes or dishonesty ;-)

As I've said for years, "I've always been crazy, since a child, and many of the guys I admire most are - in my opinion - even crazier :-) white strip

Tap or Click on images to expand them, go to relevant pages, or play a video. Security Risk ? See my career; How may systems have seen your driving licence. e.g. your Bank ? :-) white strip

Robin's business card Robin's Driving Licence Robin's Driving Licence white strip

The following is from my Home page ... white strip

Dr Strangelove Cockleshell Heroes I entered Defence Industry as an apprentice in the mid 1960s. Ferranti sent me to City University for a B.Sc in Electrical & Electronic Engineering. That's where I saw Dr Strangelove . . I became a Systems Engineer, and work included Royal Navy ship software. I worked for SHAPE as a NATO scientist through the 1970s, when GPS and the Internet were secret. See Robin's memories of STC and John Maniello . Our young family returned to the UK in 1981 and I worked for EASAMS until starting our small GPS Software business in 1994 - now a hobby. In publicity about Snoopy's Robot Boat, the Press called me a "Retired NATO Scientist". Perhaps that should have been "Mad Retired NATO Scientist" :-) white strip

The following is at the bottem of my "Coughlan Campaign" Charitable web site, , and also and near the top of the linked "Bluebell" pages - "Robin's mini-autobiography from a shrink's point of view" :-)

Robin "With those close to me affected, I feel strongly about the issues surrounding mental health. So I found your account of your stay in Bluebell Ward and your 'inside story' of the NHS mental health system in general, absolutely fascinating and extremely insightful. I really appreciate you taking the time to get in touch and I have enclosed a booklet in which I wrote a chapter about mental health when I was first elected in 2005, which you may find interesting. As your MP ...." etc. Note from Robin: Adam's is Chapter 1 of the book: "the forgotten ... new thinking on society's most vulnerable people, from the Class of 2005 Conservative MPs". Published in Oct 2006 by The Class of 2005. ISBN 0-951909-5-9 Chapter 1, "The Great Depression" is ~23 pages starts with a excellent overview of mental health within society, then concentrates on "Depression", concluding with specific recommendations, the first of which was: 1) Tackle Stigma - ending with "... my key recommendation is that national figures should speak freely about depression and mental health disorders". Maybe Adam was 10 years ahead of his time ? Famous personalities (I'm certainly not one) have signed a petition, and "come out" on their personal interest in Mental Health issues.

The following is from my AsOnTV page ...

white strip Utube video Utube video Utube video Utube video Utube video Utube video

white strip

AsOnTV Utube video

Robin has also appeared on TV a number of times, related to his charity web site , set up in 2003 to provide advice on obtaining free NHS long term care. He appeared on BBCTV's "The Politics Show", BBC News 24, and Sky TV.

However, Robin was rarely the "front man" in these broadcasts: others, far more eloquent, appeared in many more broadcasts, including Steve Squires, Derek Cole, Ian Perkins, Bleddyn Hancock, and Pam Coughlan herself.

Robin simply maintains his web pages, and puts journalists in contact with the right people.

white strip

The following is from Robin's Snoopy Robot Boat page ...

Snoopy is at home in Sunninghill, in Robin's Games Room or back garden. The boat needs proper checking and test before Snoopy's 2021 Atlantic Attempt.

Robin, June, and other Team-Joker members, have other things taking their time. e.g. Coping with Covid19 ; Health problems; That Flat Roof & Kitchen work is still on-going. June likes her tennis; Robin likes minimum hassle and spending time with Grumpy Old Men :-) Click on pictures to expand, play, or visit the relevant page. Robin claims that some of his friends, and work-mates over the years, are crazier than he. We all have our "crosses to bear", be it recent bereavement, physical health, addiction, or stigma resulting from mental health problems. Sometimes many things overlap, such as helping friends, making new ones, or doing work in the Garden . Robin prefers to just oversee work ;-) See also Walks and The Bigger Picture :-) white strip Xmas18 piccy Peter and Dick Xmas19 piccy LOSW 1 Xmas19 piccy LOSW 2 Xmas19 Tennis Bansal family friends Flat roof white strip NHSCARE Frimley Park Hosptal Visit Counter after reply to Microtransat Group Adam Afriye Gardening before a wedding white strip

3. Letter from Tim Burton of the DVLA, on 2nd February 2022- "Important - you must not drive" ...

Most of us will have difficulty reading the letter below from my photo, so here it is as 3 PDF files made by June ... ffdvla1.pdf , ffdvla2.pdf , ffdvla3.pdf .

4. BUT: Discharge Letter from Chakita on 16th July 2021 discharged Robin from the Mental Health System ...

Most of us will have difficulty reading the (incomplete) letter below, so here it is in full, as 5 PDF files made by June ... ffdis1.pdf , ffdis2.pdf , ffdis3.pdf , ffdis4.pdf , ffdis5.pdf .

5. Email sent to Lightwater Surgery requesting copy of their letter to DVLA ...

This email was sent by Robin on Saturday 5th February 2022 to Admin at Lightwater Surgery ...

Subject: URGENT: copy of letter(s) from Dr Sara Jones to DVLA ref Robin Lovelock DOB 25/05/1947

Good Morning ladies. Sorry but this is urgent. Please acknowledge receipt of this email ASAP.

Then, please provide copies of all the letter(s) sent from Dr Sara Jones to the DVLA.

Ideally, you would email them to me and CC those CCd here, or, if your procedures dictate, just myself.

If there is any policy which prevents me, the patient, getting copies, please say - but I am sure there is not :-)

If possible, please provide paper copies for collection from your front desk, today, or ASAP.

The reason for this request is that, for reason(s) yet unknown, the DVLA has asked me to return my driving licence.

The obvious consequence of this is that I will need to find one of the surgeries closer to me to walk, such as Kings Corner, or Magnolia House. Maybe it is possible to be signed up to more than one ? But let us not digress :-)

On a personal note: many thanks for your professional and friendly service since 2015, and check out my youtube channel with videos of Grumpy Old Men having pub lunch at the Red Lion near you: I am usually their chauffer - not possible now :-)

Love & Strength x :-)
Take Care
Stay Safe
Robin * , ,
UK Landline: (UK+44) 01344 620775. Mobile: 07736 353 404.
Robin Lovelock, 22 Armitage Crt, Sunninghill, Ascot, Berkshire, SL59TA, England, UK. GPS Latitude,Longitude = 51.39697,-0.66005
See Contact page. e.g. Robin's car C4 GPS may carry SpotT2 SatComs tracker
Youtube videos:
* Alternates of on , , , . For add /nhscare e.g. , , etc.

from Robin on Sunday 6th February 2022. I understand Lightwater Surgury is closed at the weekends.
No auto-reply was received. Hopefully I will hear from them tomorrow. In reviewing this page, June pointed out that I'd spelt "chauffeur" incorrectly above :-)

6. Email reply from Lightwater Surgery received Monday 7th February 2022.

From Robin: for those using translation flags, the text is QUOTE:
Good Morning
The paperwork from Dr Jones is ready to collect at reception
Please bring in ID when collecting
Lightwater Surgery

Unless expressly stated otherwise, the information contained in this e-mail is confidential and is intended only for the named recipient(s). If you are not the intended recipient you must not copy, distribute, or take any action or reliance upon it. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify the sender. Any unauthorised disclosure of the information contained in this e-mail is strictly prohibited.

The information contained in this e-mail may be subject to public disclosure under the Freedom of information Act 2000. Unless information is legally exempt from disclosure, the confidentiality of this e-mail and your reply cannot be guaranteed.


7. Letter from Dr Sara Jones of Lightwater Surgery to DVLA collected by Robin on Monday 7th February 2022 ...

Letter from Surgery This is the letter that Dr Sarah Jones sent to the DVLA, after her meeting with Robin and June, and results of the non-fasting blood test.

June has scanned it, and converted it to a printable PDF file as ffdvlas1.pdf but this image has extra information from Robin.

He is familiar with some guys not wanting to have information disclosed to others, including close relatives. He saw this with June's late father Jack Ponsford .

He understands the risks of putting such information into the Public Domain, including leaking to insurance companies.

In his opinion, it is all a matter of "a balance of risks" regarding his health.

He understands that GP Surgeries, that are private businesses, contracted by the NHS, need to be careful.

Of course, June Lovelock has been present at all meetings between Robin and Doctors, at Robin's request, and some Surgery staff may not be aware of this.

Robin has not been given any detail of communication between Dr Joshi and the Surgery.

More here in due course. e.g. alternatives to taxis, such as walking or a bicycle - suggested by his close friend and ex EASAMS workmate Terry :-)

Bike to Surgery Walk to Surgery

8. Robin's Walk to Investigate GP Surgeries nearer to him on Wednesday 9th February 2022.

First a map, showing surgeries nearby; then my walk to some of them; then a long walk to Lightwater ? :-)

GP Surgeries near me

Walk to GP Surgeries near Robin

Walk to Lightwater Surgery from 22 Armitage Court

More here in due course. Maybe other places Robin visited on his walk, such as The Funeral Director and then the Butchers :-)

9. Companies contracted by the NHS & Government, like Optalis Ltd

When receiving a service, or being reccomended more of the service, it's not a bad idea to know who is paying the worker. This applies to anything, including a Hospital surgeon, your GP, nurses, and social workers. Just because it is "Free" and provided by the NHS, does not mean it might be influenced by the financial position of the provider. Social work can be difficult, particularly when dealing with alcohol or drugs, and guys with a history of violence. Visiting nice people like Robin & June might be considered a relief. Also, God Forbid that there is any "kick back" from drugs companies, when medication is prescribed - Robin is joking, of course :-)

Robin was delighted by the professional and friendly visits by Chakita and others, who he understands, were employed by Optalis Ltd , contracted by the NHS and/or local Government. You can read more of this company on the Companies House website, including it's past directors and present. See . By a lovely coincidence, their office, in Molly Millars Lane Wokingham, is where Robin's father Len Lovelock worked, as did his Uncle Ron Sharp, who ran the Laboratory. Before joining Ferranti , who sent him to City University , Robin worked for two 6-month periods at Radyne, in between those doing his ONC ( Ordinary National Certificate ) at High Wycombe Technical College - where Lord Carrington presented Robin with a book. During his spell in the laboratory, Robin was taught to write everything down in his "Engineer's Logbook" ;-)

Tap or Click on the pictures to expand - if you dare ! Many are from my "Bluebell" pages, published in late 2015. The last two are from my History page :-)

FF pictures dose FF pictures FF pictures FF pictures FF pictures FF pictures FF pictures FF pictures FF pictures FF pictures

10. Effect on our "Charitable Work", Life, and "Well-being", and Robin Driving Videos :-)

A few words and videos are here, to explain what Robin typically uses his driving licence for. e.g. to visit gardens with June, open under the National Garden Scheme (NGS) charity; visits to see friends and relatives, who may not be in the best of health; discussing overseas charity projects; providing transport for friends unable to drive; visiting DIY stores and garden centres, to buy materials for projects in the garden, and prepare for our 50th Wedding Anniversary Party; etc, etc. Don't forget those lovely trips to the West Country, visiting Pam Coughlan, and then Wales, in his car then our Camper; Visits to Chobham Common, for walks, or working with CCMFA and Surrey Wildlife Trust; Being chaufer for taking two other Grumpy Old Men to the Pub for lunch. Some of these videos show Robin driving - you can judge if he was safe :-)

Robin and June Lovelock's long weekend in Cornwall visiting James Lovelock's old place 5k run around Eton Boating Lake video white strip RAF Museum video June & Robin Lovelock's 50th Wedding Aniversary Mr Khan of Sunninghill white strip Robin talks to Uncle Bernie about Harold Sharp video of Snoopy Bray Lake Test on 3rd November 2021 Work on Chobham Common with Surrey Wildlife Trust and CCMFA

11. Timeline of events: Robin had been driving since September 2019 - and since 1964 ? :-)

This letter from the DVLA seems to be the first time Robin had been requested to stop driving since September 2019. His spell in Farnham Hospital "Funny Farm" seems to have been 3 weeks, from 26th July 2019 ( James Lovelock's Birthday ) until 15th August. Regular weekly "Pub Lunches" with at least Stuart & Richard seemed to have started the next day. Robin wonders how good they remember if someone other than Robin was chauffer ? :-)

More detail to be put here, preferably shown graphically for clarity. e.g. unformatted text as below ? :-)

2019 January  February March    April    May      June     July     August   September October  November December

     ----     ----     ----     ----     ----     ----     ---F     FF--     ----      ----     ----     ---- (Now Off Medication)

2020 January  February March    April    May      June     July     August   September October  November December
     ----     ----     ----     ----     ----     ----     ----     ----     ----      ----     ----     ----

2021 January  February March    April    May      June     July     August   September October  November December
     ----     ----     ----     ----     ----     ----     -*--     ----     ----      ----     ----     ---- (* Chakita's Discharge Letter )

2022 January  February March    April    May      June     July     August   September October  November December
     -D--     NNNN     NNNN     OK--     ----     ----     ----     ----     ----      ---S     ----     ----  

2023 January  February March    April    May      June     July     August   September October  November December
     --C-     ----     ----     --NN     NNNN     NNNN     NNNN     NNNN     NNNN      NNNN     NNNN     NNNN  ( C Cardinal Clinic )

2024 January  February March    April    May      June     July     August   September October  November December
     NNNN     NNNN     NNNN     NNNN     NNNN     NNNN     NNNN     NNNN     NNNN      NNNN                       

Key: ---- = 4 weeks of driving; FFF = 3 weeks in Funny Farm ( Farnham Rd Hospital ) from July 2019; N = Not permitted to Drive. OK to Drive letter.
D = 13th January 2022 Meeting with Dr Sarah Jones. ? DVLA NS76 22 August 2022.
S = 27 October 2022: SMS Text from Lightwater Surgery requesting Robin to arrange a blood test or 'phone them.
C = Cardinal Clinic Appointment letter from DVLA Medical Group - section 16.
Read further down this page, until "18. Footnote after call on 17 Feb 2023 from Victoria at DVLA Medical Group; Then 20."
In February/March 2022, an email was sent to the DVLA by one of Adam's Case Workers. See Wiki on Adam Afriye . See Adam on Robin's ;-)

We will all see what happens, as the days, weeks, and months go by :-)

12. Outstanding Questions. e.g. the Form submitted by Dr Sarah Jones to DVLA ? Other communications ?

Robin's letter to DVLA During the meeting with Dr Sarah Jones, in Lightwater Surgery, at 1300 on Thursday 13th January 2022, Robin's wife June remembers Dr Jones saying that the Doctor was filling out a Form for the DVLA.

However, she was unable to provide us a copy of it. She said we would need to contact the DVLA, to request a copy of it.

The letter on the right, was sent by Royal Mail recorded delivery, and was delivered the next day, Tuesday 1st March, at 0911. Robin has the DVLA guy's signature of receipt :-)

Anyone looking into the details of this case will obviously need to see all communications between Lightwater Surgury and the DVLA.

It should then reveal if any mistake were made, and if the mistake were understandable.

"Mistakes Happen", particularly when people are put under pressure.

Especially when computers are involved - and I do NOT mean those at the DVLA :-)

security hiding mistakes

13. Robin Can Drive Again. Not an April Fool's Day Joke ? :-)

This letter was received by email to Robin at 1351 BST on Friday 1st April 2022. What "further medical information" and when ?
Hopefully this is not an April Fool's Day Joke ? :-) Robin can Drive Again white strip

Friday 1st April 2022 and our Spaghetti Tree is in flower again ...

spaghetti tree June, Robin, and Spaghetti Tree Robin and June pose proudly beside the Spaghetti Tree in their back garden which continues to flower every year. The tree is now over 46 years old, having been raised from a small seed collected by June and Robin during a holiday in northern Italy in 1976. The trip was funded by NATO, we hired a Fiat 500, and Samantha, just two years old, kept shouting "Spaghetti!". We stayed in Abbano Terme near the military base inside Monte Venda - no longer secret - Google it ;-)

These Spaghetti trees, very rare outside Italy, cannot be grown from cuttings or the fruit - many have tried planting spaghetti, but with disappointing results. We've also tried tagliatelle, but that also did not grow. This particular variety is "Spaghetti Monstera Grande" - known to some seasoned gardeners as "Big Whopper". Tap or Click on us to enlarge the photos.

You can see the original BBC TV broadcast about the 1957 bumper italian spaghetti harvest if you click here or the first youtube video below.

After that are videos of Robin's early robot boats, built for Snoopy to cross the Atlantic, from UK to USA. Yes, that was Robin who saved that antelope :-) white strip spaghetti tree Man Rescues Antelope Snoopy's Cat Snoopy's Windmill Boat white strip

The piece above was first on the GPSS homepage during 1st April '98. It has had minor updates over the years :-) white strip

14. Saturday 27th August 2022: Robin & June reply to surprise NS76 letter from DVLA ??? :-)

If you read the DVLA letter below, and Robin ( and June's ) reply, you may see why it was a surprise. What's going on ? Do some of us get "special treatment" from the DVLA ?

I can see the argument for why it might happen: maybe a lot of road accidents are caused by drivers under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol. Some of these guys get NHS treatment, including being kept in a Funny Farm, and regular visits from Social Services - often checking for syringes or bottles of booze ;-)

DVLA surprise letter and Robin's reply on 27th August 2022

For those using translation flags, here are the words in the unsigned letter, dated 22 August 2022, from the DVLA Drivers Medical Group ...
Dear Mr Lovelock, I am writing to request further information from you. Please can you confirm when you last saw a doctor (or any healthcare professional) regarding your mental health ? Please confirm the full name, address and telephone number of the person you saw. If you do not provide the required information within 14 days, your driving licence may be revoked (cancelled) or your application refused. An envelope is also enclosed for your use. The Law: Section 94(4)(5) and (8) of the Road Traffic Act 1988 Yours sincerely, Drivers Medical Group. Encs: NS76REPLY ENV.

For those using translation flags, here are the words in my NS76 Reply Form on the right ...
I last saw a doctor regarding my mental health on 13/1/2021. Dr Sarah Jones, Lightwater Surgery, 39 All Saints Rd, Lightwater, GU18 5SQ. Phone 01276 538600. Note that this was before your letter of 1st April 2022, saying OK for me to drive. My wife June Lovelock ( since 1971 ) was witness at meeting. I have been out of the mental health system since the discharge letter dated 16 July 2021 from Chakita Sakin. All information about this case is on and is public. This includes all letters, emails, & cartoons :-)
Staff at the DVLA have my sympathy and understanding for your problems including covid19, industrial action, and your own physical and mental health problems.
I may send more than one copy of this letter to cover expected problems of the Royal Mail strike - or whatever :-)
Yours Sincerley (signature and 27/8/2022 ) Robin Lovelock
I agree with the above June Lovelock (wife) - signature and 27.8.2022.

from Robin on Saturday 27th August 2022: I hope all will forgive these pictures below, but they seem appropriate. Tap or Click on them to expand. The ladies in Sunninghill Post Office were amused by my old one million pound sterling bank note, so I paid for Royal Mail Recorded Delivery of our NS76 letter by credit card :-) white strip DVLA and Muppet Show DVLA on TV News Inside Sunninghill Post Office Robin Lovelock outside Sunninghill Post Office white strip

15. Footnote added after SMS Text from Lightwater Surgury on 27 October 2022.

white strip Snoopy says 'Piss me off, pay the consequences' :-) from Robin on Tuesday 1st November 2022: This page may get updated, if and when Robin has time to do so.

In brief: Robin was surprised to receive an SMS text from the Lightwater Surgury IT system ( or NHS system ), on 27 October 2022. It's contents implied Robin was still in the Mental Health support system. Does everyone get a text to remind them to contact their surgury ? It might be easy to 'phone, as the SMS requests, and decline the blood test, before a check. But would the consequences be as as happened before ? e.g. the DVLA suddenly sending a letter saying Robin should not drive ? Nobody has answered the outstanding questions on this page, regarding communication between the Surgury and DVLA.

So, Robin has decided to do nothing, other than to put this on the public record. As it happens, the details of the SMS, including the person to 'phone, and 'phone number, is already in the public domain - but you need to know where to look.

Robin repeats his sympathy for those trying to earn a living in difficult times. This obviously includes GP Surgery businesses, who must compete with others. They obviously get very little income from an NHS patient, unless the patient makes an appointment. Maybe even the DVLA, particularly if it has sub-contracted work, such as that by the DVLA Drivers Medical Group ?

Should Robin get a DVLA letter, telling him not to drive, he will, of course, obey the instructions, as before. However, this time, he will make more use of taxis, and public transport, keeping a record of all his expenses. He knows more than one law firm who will be happy to raise a case action, for the many ( tens or hundreds of thousands ) of people who may have suffered the same "procedure" or "mistake" - deliberate or otherwise ;-)

Robin has not charged for his time for many years - much more per hour than most doctors, lawyers, or Consultants :-)

"Business is Business" after all ;-)

from Robin on Wednesday 23rd November 2022: No need to change any of the above, other than to report that a very similar "reminder" message, as that SMS of 27 October, was received by email, headed "Accurx Ltd". See Accurx on Wiki . Directors are on . As it happens, their office is near the area familiar to Robin, while at City University in the late 1960s :-) As Robin says, no need to change information earlier on this page :-)

Tuesday 29th November: Friendly & professional call from same Nikki Br***s at 1137: Same question as in SMS and emails: did I want a mental health assessment ? I thanked her and said "No", including the offered review in a years time. I mentioned that I should be out of the mental health system by now, although it was understanderable that some contracters might prefer I was not :-) I also confessed that all this was public, even if very few people looked at it :-) Nikki seemed to be happy with what I said, so we will see what happens, if anything, in due course. No need to change anything above, including the words alongside that amusing image of Snoopy :-) white strip

16. Footnote after (uncorrected?) letter from DVLA of 18 Jan 2023 (Medical Examination)

The (unsigned) letter from the DVLA "Drivers Medical Group" requested Robin to make an appointment with the Consultant Psychiatrist at the Cardinal Clinic at Oakley Green near Windsor.

Robin did consider doing nothing, as a year earlier, but decided he might learn more by making an appointment: not just confirmation that he did not need help, but also things like "cash flow" within the DVLA/NHS/Social Services and contracted companies.

Robin rang the Cardinal Clinic and spoke to Rosy, who put him through to Tanya, who checked the files. IMPORTANT: Tanya advised Robin that they had communicated with the DVLA, including a 'phone call, explaining that the Cardinal Clinic did not do this sort of work for the DVLA. Tanya said that the DVLA Medical Group should be sending me another letter, with a different place to book an appointment. This letter never arrived. Instead, Robin received that in section 18 below.

Maybe there was a mistake in the DVLA Medical Group System ? e.g. they thought Robin had failed to make an appointment ? Should he still be doing this anyway ?

DVLA letter 2023 DVLA letter 2023

More information in due course: if and when Robin has the time :-)

white strip

17. Footnote after DVLA letter of 9 Feb 2023 (Medical Review Licence?)

In brief: the (digitally signed "Tim Burton" ) letter from the DVLA Medical Group says: QUOTE We have completed our medical enquiries. As your medical condition could effect your fitness to drive, the law requires that your driving licence is subject to medical review. To do this we must withdraw your current licence and replace it with a medical review licence which will be valid for 1 year. UNQUOTE.

HOW did they complete their medical enquiries ? Was this just a simple mistake related to section 16 above ? If so, should Robin follow what could be incorrect instructions ? :-)

DVLA letter 2023 DVLA letter 2023

More information in due course: if and when Robin has the time :-)

white strip

18. Footnote after call on 17 Feb 2023 from Victoria at DVLA Medical Group

Conversation with DVLA Medical Group Robin received a friendly and professional call from Victoria, of the DVLA Medical Group, at about 0920 on Friday 17th February 2023. The main purpose of the call was to check that Robin had received the letter dated 9 February 2023 in section 17 above. But if you listen to the recording, you will understand why Robin's confidence in the DVLA people was boosted. e.g. relaxed about the recording being public, and - more importantly - she and colleages are DVLA employees, rather than working for a contracted company. Most important of all: a real, experienced, person, rather than a 'bot (Robot ) :-) The call lasts 14 minutes starts at about 02:40 into the recording in 170223a.wav . You may find it better to listen to the sound on the Youtube Youtube video of telephone conversation on the right. It already has automatic subtitles. e.g. for the hard of hearing, or for knowledgable people where English is not their first language. e.g. that of our many excellent nurses, doctors, and UK Civil Servants. How's your Welsh ? :-)

I was delighted to read details of Julie Lennard, CEO of DVLA in post since March 2018. Ladies: despite my constant teasing, with quotes such as "You stupid woman", from Rene of 'Allo 'Allo , and acting as a "male chavaunist pig", those I admire most include women. e.g the late Sandy Hopkinson, my workmate at EASAMS who briefed Maggie Thatcher leading to the large defence contract with Malaysia. Relevant ? Maybe, and maybe not :-)

More information in due course: if and when Robin has the time :-)

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19. Footnote after Robin's letter of 22nd February 2023 with lots of supporting paperwork.

Robin Lovelock outside Sunninghill Post Office Click or Tap on the pictures to expand and see detail. e.g. attached paperwork. The one page letter had pages stapled to back for clarity: Landscape mode screen extracts of (a) top of this "DVLA Funny Farm page" including the cartoon; (b) Section 15 above; (c) Section 16 above; (d) Section 18 above.

After the letter, with it's 4 screen shots, the other contents were: a) the public two double sided pages of 2022 Christmas Newsletter from the Lovelock Family in Sunninghill , that includes a humerous, but true, summary of last year's events. Then Robin's single page Coughlan Campaign Flyer . Then the 12 single-sided pages of the earlier public copy of this page, dated 1035 UK time Sunday 19th February 2023. This ended on section 18 above: the loveley 'phone call from Victoria at the DVLA Medical Group. Then ten of Robin's visiting cards, which he sometimes gets free, because of his charity work ;-)

The four identical parcels, to those shown on the letter below, were sent by Royal Mail Recorded Delivery. Robin and June gave them to the lovely lady at Sunninghill Post Office, at 1530 on Wednesday 22nd February 2023. They then made an "exploratory visit" to the nice Cardinal Clinic mentioned in section 16 above. The four packages were all delivered and signed for, the next morning of Thursday 23rd February. Robin's letter of 22 Feb 2023 with supporting paperwork .

For those using translation flags, the text of the letter is as follows ... QUOTE
To: Victoria ( telecon 0920 Friday 17 Feb 2023: Section 18 ) Drivers Medical Group, DVLA.
Driver and Vehicle Licencing Agency Drivers Medical Group, Swansea, SA99 1DG, Wales.
CC: Tim Burton, Head of Drivers Medical Group, DVLA.
FIO: Julie Lennard, CEO of DVLA; Adam Afriyie, MP; Others as needed in UK and overseas.
From: Robin Lovelock, 22 Armitage Court, Sunninghill, Ascot, SL5 9TA
Tel: 01344 620775. Mobile 07736 353 404. Email:
Wednesday 22nd February 2023
Your Case Ref: M38175956. See web site below. e.g. mistaken(?) M38175956/Tm71v11 2 February 2022.
Our Ref: FFDVLAA2. Case details public on since February 2022.
Subject: renewal of Robin Lovelock's Driving Licence - 28.03.17 until 10.11.24 and Correcting Mistakes
Dear Victoria, ( and/or whoever needs to action this letter. e.g. Tim Burton ).
Many Thanks for your calling me, and our conversation - that boosted my confidence in the DVLA.
I trust that you, colleages, friends, and family, have not hurt yourselves falling off your chairs laughing, after reading details of my case, public for a year now. e.g. nice cartoons ? :-) I've kept it updated, as new "surprises" happen. Words from my letter to Tim Burton, ref FFDVLA1, a year ago, still apply .... QUOTE ... I am sure that you and your colleagues will be surprised that I have put all evidence in my case into the Public Domain. See I hope you will not be too distracted by the amusing cartoons and videos, but they form part of the evidence :-) I also enclose the large printout of the above as a paper PDF document: You are most welcome to share the above with whom you wish, including colleagues, friends, family, and Governments. I suggest that the link is not posted on Social Media resulting in lots of visitors. I simply want the right people to see the evidence, and help reveal what has happened. I realise that you and your colleagues may be working in difficult circumstances, but look forward to your assistance in this matter.... UNQUOTE. After careful consideration, I decided to write this letter, and await a suitable response. Ideally with a signature, by post, but good if also by email and 'phone. I recognise that your response might be of several types, including: a) allowing my continued use of my licence valid until November 2024, followed by the standard renewal process, for guys of my age. b) a "stay of execution" so you have time to review my case, including well documented mistakes, on that public page above. c) the above, combined with that earlier (mistaken?) procedure for me to have an appointment at the Cardinal Clinic. I'm sure there are many alternatives . We obviously hope there will not be a repeat of last year's fiasco, of not being allowed to drive for two months. Although it's correction by the DVLA, on 1st April 2022, April Fools Day, caused great amusment to myself and my many friends, here and overseas :-) To make your task(s) easier, I follow this letter with several relevant extracts, from my large FFDVLA.PDF, before the whole 12 page document. It is clearer online on a landscape mode screen, than this portait mode printout. By the time you read this letter, I'm sure it will have been added to that large document, but I'll allow a suitable time margin before publication. I hope my case will be of help to the DVLA in finding solutions to problems. e.g. dealing with mistakes, both inside, and - perhaps more likely - outside the DVLA. You guys will know better than I ;-) You are welcome to do as you wish with the many pages enclosed, including decorating office walls and toilets :-)
Many Thanks again, Victoria. I look forward to the response from the DVLA. Yours Sincerely,
Robin Lovelock.

More information in due course: if and when Robin has the time :-)

20. Footnote after DVLA's Response to Robin's Fat 22nd February 2023 Letter.

security hiding mistakes Since 5th March 2023: NO RESPONSE YET. Nothing to add here yet. Robin waits in anticipation :-)

Newsflash 19th March: no DVLA reply Robin's fat letter Ref FFDVLAA2 of 22nd February. Mistaken DVLA letter of 09 March below ?
Robin has received no reply from anyone at the DVLA to his letter FFDVLAA2. Instead, what seems another mistake:
Another (electronically signed) letter from Tim Burton, Head of Drivers Medical Group, DVLA, Ref M38175956 dated 09 March 2023.
Important information - urgent action required .. have not received the D202 sent ... etc. Implied threat to revoke licence.
i.e. not so different from in early 2022, where Robin could not drive for 2 months. BUT, less excuse for mistakes by DVLA this time ;-)

Letter from DVLA dated 12 April 2023 Newsflash 12th April: still no DVLA reply Robin's letter of 22nd February. BUT There was a 'phone call from Ester of DVLA. You may Play the recording on Youtube here. It already has automatic subtitles with translation for those with poor hearing, or whose native language is not English. e.g. Welsh, Indian, or Eastern European ? Sorry Guys - I know experts everywhere :-)

Newsflash on 17th April 2023: "You must not Drive" letter, (electronically) signed by Tim Burton, Head of Drivers Medical Group, received. Ref M38175956 dated 12 April 2023. Tap or Click here or image on left to expand.

Robin welcomes investigation into this case by those working both inside and outside of the DVLA. It may help in finding solutions to problems. He repeats his sympathy and understanding for all those within the DVLA, at the lowest and highest of management levels. Life is not always easy ;-) white strip

REMINDER letter on 30 June 2023 Friday 30th June 2023: "REMINDER" letter posted by Royal Mail Special delivery at Sunninghill Post Office at 1100 BST. Note the envelope to Julie Lennard was correctly addressed. All had 4 visiting cards enclosed :-) Tap or Click on the image on the right to expand, or read the text below. The translation flags, into Welsh, Indian, Eastern European, may help. Many DVLA guys may not have English as their first language. Some obviously work from home, which need not be in UK. Robin is familiar with working with experts in many countries ;-) The text of the letter is as follows ...
To: Julie Lennard, CEO of DVLA, CC: Tim Burton, Head of Drivers Medical Group, DVLA.
Driver and Vehicle Licencing Agency Drivers Medical Group, Swansea, SA99 1DG, Wales.
CC: Adam Afriyie, MP; Others as needed in UK and overseas.
. From: Robin Lovelock, 22 Armitage Court, Sunninghill, Ascot, SL5 9TA
Tel: 01344 620775. Mobile 07736 353 404. Email:
Friday 30th June 2023
Your Case Ref: M38175956. See web site below. e.g. mistaken(?) M38175956/Tm71v11 2 February 2022.
Our Ref: FFDVLAA3. Case details public on since February 2022.
Subject: REMINDER renewal of Robin Lovelock's Driving Licence - 28.03.17 until 10.11.24 and Correcting Mistakes
Robin Lovelock outside Sunninghill Post Office Dear Julie & Tim,
I would appreciate a speedy response to this letter, telling me that I AM allowed to drive again.
I humbly suggest that it be by 'phone, email, and recorded delivery. Maybe such a letter WAS sent ?
In slower time you may provide an apology and explanation of how this has happened.
As I've said publicly for some time, I have sympathy and understanding for you guys in the DVLA.
I hope nobody has hurt themselves, falling off their chairs laughing, at that public FFDVLA page above :-)
Yours Sincerely,
Robin Lovelock

We will see when the DVLA letters are delivered and signed for. Robin tried the DVLA email mechanism, so they might get it earlier, but just got an email with information and a "DoNotReply" reply address. That for Adam Afriye, MP, did acknowledge receipt immediately - as expected ;-) white strip

Monday 21 August 2023: Robin carefully assisted by June, sent a "Form D1" (Application for a Driving Licence ) to the DVLA, with his existing licence, sent by recorded delivery. This was delivered and signed for by DVLA early the next day.

Saturday 23rd September 2023: we receive an unsigned letter, dated 19th September, from the "Drivers Medical Group" Swansea SA99 1DG. This letter says "Important - a medical examination is required". Also "What you need to do: Step 1: wait at least 7 working days from the receipt of this letter; Step 2: Contact the receptionis to book an appointment (you must inform them the examination has been requested by the DVLA). Step 3: Atend the examination within six weeks of the date of this letter.

Wednesday 4th October 2023: June & Robin Lovelock are able to book and attend an appointment at 1110, as instructed by the DVLA: with Dr Sara Jones of Lightwater Surgery. Dr Sarah soon told us that they had received no communication from the DVLA. Presumably the "at least 7 days" was to ensure they did. Lightwater Surgery will look into this, and let us know the results of their enquiries.

Robin confesses to giving Dr Sarah several of his visiting cards, and mentioned that details of this case are linked from his "Press" page of - but for her to try and not fall off her chair laughing :-)

Tuesday 24th October: visit to Lightwater Surgury, by June & Robin, to see and photograph the document about to be sent to the DVLA by Dr Sarah. Robin was pleased with the document, and surprised by this opportunity, rather than simply being sent a copy. i.e. CCd. These photos were made public - but not publicised - there is a difference ;-)

Thursday 23rd November. June & Robin visited Lightwater Surgury to check if the document HAD been sent. Chris(tine) at Reception said that "Dr Sarah would have sent it". Robin also said that there had been a recent communication from Nikki Br***s - and they confirmed she worked there, in specialist areas. Note Robin's words above, on Tuesday 29th November 2022 (a year ago), about the "Friendly & professional" call. No change since then here :-) white strip

21. Footnotes in 2024: still no licence from DVLA - but other things ;-)

DVLA and Muppet Show Christmas and the New Year passed, and we still had not received Robin's driving licence, or any communication from the DVLA. We were wondering if the letter in October 2023 from Robin's Lightwater Surgury, had been "Lost in the Post" - or somewhere between when we saw it, in the surgury, and whoever at the DVLA needed to see it.

We made calls to the DVLA enquirey 'phone number, but, the automated system asked us to call again, when they were not as busy.

We then got another surpise: an unsigned letter from the DVLA Drivers Medical Group, dated 12th February 2024, saying "Important - a medical examination is required". It said "As we are unable to obtain medical reports from your GP or consultant, you must now have a medical assessment conducted with an independent consultant psychiatrist specialising in ..." etc, etc.

Walk from Sunninghill to Wessex Nuffield Hospital We smiled when we read on to see that it was Dr Moghul S, at Wessex Nuffield Hospital as far away as Chandler's Ford ( SO53 2DW), a long way south of us in Sunninghill, Ascot SL5 9TA. The examination could take place by video call, or face to face.

Let's see: if face to face, that's a drive of ... 48 minutes down the M3 ... but if Robin walks, that might be ... nearly 17 hours ! :-)

More importantly, we DID evantually get through to the DVLA Medical Group by 'phone, on 22nd February 2024, after about 30 minutes wait. We spoke to the friendly and professiional man, with a Welsh accent, and he confirmed that they HAD received the letter back in October 2023. BUT, he was unable to say anything about the letter, such as who had signed it, or even a reference and/or date.

Tap or Click on pictures to expand and read detail. e.g. that 17 hour walk ? :-)

Tuesday 27th February 2024: Robin & June had a 5 minute meeting with Dr Sarah Jones of Lightwater Surgury, at 1110 - 1115, after a coincidental* call that morning suggesting Robin books an appointment. The meeting was extremely usefull, with Robin giving Dr Sarah two printed pages 1) the Contents list of this page and this section 21 - before this paragraph was added. Dr Sarah read the words, and, with smiles, we discussed the DVLA, their problems, and the DVLA's suggestion of the Nuffield hospital. * Coincidental ? The Lightwater Surgury system automatically generates a reminder of if the patient wants a checkup. We were told last year that this reminder can be stopped, simply by booking an appointment with the GP, and requesting the reminder to stop. Robin had forgotten to do this - a fortunate mistake. Those 5 minutes were most valuable, for Robin, and maybe Lightwater Surgury ;-) white strip

Walk from Sunninghill to Regus Croydon Monday 11th March February 2024: Yet another mistake by the DVLA System ? Robin received, several days ago, another practically identical, unsigned letter from the "Drivers Medical Group", dated 1st March 2024. It had the same (standard?) words "As we have been unable to obtain medical reports from your GP or consultant," - see above ! BUT, this time, the suggested appointment was with "Dr Asigo G" ( Dr Gbenga Asigo ? ) at Regus Croydon, Interchange House, Croydon, CR0 2RD. Not such a long walk from Sunninghill: only 10.3 hours. See map on right :-)

Googling quickly reveals details of these guys, including nice "open" profiles, and their business ;-)

Robin thinks you can draw your own conclusions about if the DVLA need help ;-) white strip

Update in July 2024: The image below is of two letters. Text is below the image, for clarity, and translation into other languages if helpful ;-)

Two unsigned DVLA letters in June & July 2024

1) dated 13 June 2024: QUOTE: Dear Mr Lovelock, Update on our medical enquiries We wrote to Dr Asigo G. Consultant Psychiatrist, Regus Croydon, Interchange House, CROYDON, CR0 2RD, on 9 February asking for a medical report about your fitness to drive. I hope you can appreciate that we need to write to your doctor/consultant to ensure they do not have any concerns that your medical condition affects your ability to safely control your vehicle at all times.
As soon as we are in receipt of the information we will write to you to let you know further progress. You only need to contact us if you have new information for us to consider, such as a change in your medical professional's details. Rev Oct 22. Yours sincerely, Drivers Medical Group.

2) dated 04 July 2024: QUOTE: Dear Mr Lovelock, UPDATE ON OUR MEDICAL ENQUIRIES We wrote to your consultant on 9 February asking for a medical report to be completed. As we have not received a reply we have sent a second reminder.
Please could you contact their secretary and ask for it to be dealt with as quickly as possible.
We are unable to make a decision about your fitness to drive until we receive the completed report. Your case will remain on hold until this report is received.
You don't need to contact DVLA unless you have new medical information for us to consider.
When we receive the medical report, the information will be reviewed and we will write to you again to advise you further.
Yours Sincerely, Drivers Medical Group. UNQUOTE.

Robin Lovelock in Sunninghill security hiding mistakes Update in October 2024: The above was 3 months ago. We recently received another (automated?) letter from "Tim Burton" of "Head of Drivers Medical Group". dated 30th September 2024 Reference M38175956. I use quotes, since anything or anyone could have sent the letter. It is already in the Public Domain, but it says that, since I had not made an appointment with Dr Asigo G, my application is refused. Another Application form was enclosed. As normal, it offered option of going to Magistrates Court, to appeal. No doubt, at great expense ;-)
I am giving careful consideration to what I do next, to help myself, other drivers, and those working for the DVLA. The most likely course of action will be to write a public letter to Tim Burton, CCing others like Julie Lennard, DVLA CEO, and others who may have an interest, including Governments in UK and overseas.
My letter would probably be a polite request for a valid driving licence and an apology. I do not think they know enough to provide an explanation. Their flawed system is probably vulnerable to many things, including disgruntled employees hoping that my case will get press attention, as did the DVLA in late 2020, when Covid19 sparked problems, including Industrial Action, Physical & Mental Health problems at the DVLA. As I've said many times, "you have my sympathy and understanding". As many will know, humour can help to lessen pain & suffering ;-) Tim Burton has done this before: that 1st April 2023 letter saying that I COULD drive again - for some unknown reason :-) white strip

from Robin: The guy in the cartoon above is saying, "Information Security is a major priority at this company. We've done a lot of stupid things we'd like to keep secret." :-) white strip

Robin's Open Letter to DVLA on Thursday 15th October 2024 ...

Robin's letter to DVLA Ref DVLAA4 on Thursday 15th October 2024 Here is the letter discussed earlier, that was sent by recorded delivery, from Sunninghill Post Office, for delivery tomorrow, to Tim Burton and Julie Lennard. The image on the right will not be clear enough to read, but shows the layout - with my visiting card glued on it :-) 6 more were included in the A4 envelope, with a printout of this page, as it was, before this update. The text is below, and should translate into any language...

To:  Tim Burton, Head of Drivers Medical Group, DVLA. Drivers Medical Group, Swansea, SA99 1DG, Wales.
CC: Julie Lennard, CEO of DVLA,  Others as needed in UK and overseas, including Public	.
	From: Robin Lovelock, 22 Armitage Court, Sunninghill, Ascot, SL5 9TA
	Tel: 01344 620775. Mobile 07736 353 404. Email:
	Wednesday 16th October 2024
	Your Case  Ref: M38175956. See web site below. Your letters including dated 30th September 2024.      
	Our Ref:  FFDVLAA4.  Case details public on since February 2022.
Subject:  Apology & delivery of a valid driving licence to Robin Lovelock
Dear Tim Burton,
I would appreciate an apology, a letter saying I CAN drive again, and my driving licence, sent to you earlier this year.
I do not expect an explanation, since I'm sure you do not have the means to properly investigate these many DVLA mistakes.
They might be caused by disgruntled employees and/or flaws in your systems, including software, and procedures.
As I've said publicly for some time, I have sympathy and understanding for you guys in the DVLA.  
My not being allowed to drive has been extremely inconvenient, including for my hobbies and charitable causes. 
They say "charity begins at home", and this has meant more strain on my wife June, in poor health all this year, 2024. 
Also, my "Grumpy Old Men" neighbours, considerably older than my 77, who I used to drive to "Pub Lunch" for many years, 
until your problems stopped me. If anyone plays the end of my recent videos, you will hear my suggestions about the DVLA.  
If we get past "first base", with a suitable response to this letter, then I will be happy to put DVLA in touch with the right guys.
e.g. UK MoD and/or USA DoD contracters. Many will know that "humour can sometimes relieve pain". 
Your letter saying I could drive, on 1st April 2023, certainly caused a few laughs - but I do not want to wait until 1st April 2025 :-)
I hope nobody has hurt themselves, falling off their chairs laughing, at that public FFDVLA page above :-)  
I include a printed copy, to remind you of the content. You will need reading glasses. The online copy should be much clearer,
and will be more up to date, including this letter, and other relevant events.                        
Yours Sincerely,
Robin Lovelock
Julie Lennard UNQUOTE.

Unlike the postal address for Tim, that for Julie was difficult to find. But I did find a DVLA office in London, and used that, with the appropriate words on the A4 Envelope. However, I now see that Julie is changing her job, on 25th November 2024, from CEO of the DVLA, to DG of the CPS ( Crown Prosecution Service ). Sir Keir Starmer's old job, before other things, like UK Prime Minister. Interesting timing for this letter, eh ? :-) Today, searching on "Julie Lennard", I found CPS appoints new Director General from DVLA .

I trust Julie has no objection to my including that lovely photo of her here, as a link to that piece about her new job :-)

Robin thinks you can draw your own conclusions about if the DVLA need help ;-)
More information here in due course: if and when Robin has the time :-)

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22. Who has visited this page ?

Robin Lovelock From Robin: It's very convenient for me, that there are so few visitors to this page: just those given the link. See map and words near end of my Home page ;-)

Visit Counter after reply to Microtransat Group The visit counters may give a rough indication on who else is visiting, or has visited, this page. I don't hide or disguise my visits, but they may appear as "Ascot", or miles away, like "Southend-on-Sea, England" or "Redhill, England" (on my Lounge PC), or "Maidenhead, England" ( on the Study PC). Positions may not be accurate, but times are. These may change at any time, without control by me. e.g. if we have a power cut, or I reboot a router. So, you may see if I'm "working" in the Study, or "relaxing" in Lounge :-)

Not all visits are seen, and some browsers hide location, but you may find Revolvermaps livestats for this "DVLA Funny Farm" page of interest. There are a lot of British Nationals overseas, with elderly relatives in UK.

The video on the right shows several guys visiting my Covid19 page , shortly after I posted the link to the Microtransat forum, linked from the Snoopy Robot Boat page. That's right - Hobby activity and Charitable Causes, rather than earning money. Us Grumpy old men sometimes find that, "there are just not enough hours in the day" ;-)

© 1947-2024 Robin Lovelock. white strip

There have been Hit Counter by Digits visits to this page counted by since Friday 4th February 2022.