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USA Country Disk Readme.txt

The following text is from README.TXT on the USA Country Disk.

README.TXT on the USA 'GPSS Country Disk' Issue 2 November 1999

Most of the data on this 'disk' was created in 1996, before more detailed USA
mapping was added to www.gpss.co.uk. Even better USA mapping is available
from 3rd party CDROMS, including those from Microsoft - supported by GPSS.
However, this 'USA Country Disk' provides a logical first step of GPSS mapping
added by those in the USA, after testing the 'GPSS Baseline' and before adding
more detailed mapping. Issue 2 November 1999 is similar to Issue 1 1996, but
with gazeteer data removed - since better data is now on www.gpss.co.uk

Robin Lovelock, November 1999.

The text below is that originally issued in October 1996, with revisions.

The contents of this disk are the Copyright (c) 1996-1999 of Robin Lovelock,
Sunninghill Systems, 22 Armitage Court, Sunninghill, near Ascot. SL5 9TA. UK.
These files may only be used with the GPSS Software provided on two floppy
disks and called the 'GPSS Freebee'. GPSS is the Global Positioning System
Software created and distributed by Robin Lovelock.
You may copy and distribute identical copies of this disk, and the two
'GPSS Freebee' disks, on condition that you give the disks to friends,
and do not sell them for profit. See the 'GPSS Freebee' BOOK.TXT and
GPSS.HLP files for more details on use, and conditions of use, of GPSS.

We expect to improve this Country Disk in the future, and will be pleased
to collaborate with any organisation or individual who wishes to help us.
Please write to the above address, marking your envelope 'USA GPSS'.
Further information may be found on the Internet on our Web address:
If you decide to 'phone or fax us on 44 (0) 1344 620775, please do it
at a reasonable time: say 0830 to 2100 UK time, any day of the week.

See BOOK.TXT and GPSS.HLP for conditions of use of the GPSS software.
Please do not distribute the modified map data, or distribute modified
copies of the GPSS Freebee or Country disks.

We suggest you start by installing Disks 1 and 2 of the 'GPSS Freebee' on
a desktop PC with Microsoft Windows and sound. Run it 'hands off' to check
that it does its normal demonstration near Sunninghill and Ascot in UK.
Please see the web site for more details.

So have fun with your copy of GPSS and USA Country disk, but please ...

Robin Lovelock October 1996